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Kavalan Vinho Barrique Cask
Vinho is fully matured in used American oak wine barrels that have been toasted and recharred in a way that brings out fruity vanilla notes from the wood into the whisky overlaid on a delicate background of complex fruitiness.
57.8 View All KavalanVinho is fully matured in used American oak wine barrels that have been toasted and recharred in a way that brings out fruity vanilla notes from the wood into the whisky overlaid on a delicate background of complex fruitiness.
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This Product

A rich fusion of vanilla and caramelized sugars with dark chocolate on top. Ripe melon and mango together with kiwi and a delicate blend of citrus fruits burst. Pepper is also present in the background waiting to be noticed.
Kavalan Vinho Barrique Cask is fully matured in used American oak wine barrels that have been stripped and toasted to convert the wine flavors into a complex fruit background, then re-charred to bring out vanilla notes from the whisky and wood.