Dingle Bride Single Malt (Celtic WOTY Series #2)

Dingle Bride Single Malt

Celtic Wheel of the Year Series #2. This limited release honors the ancient Celtic celebration of Lá le Bríde, also known as Imbolg, which marks the beginning of spring and the arrival of brighter, warmers days. Lá le Bríde Single Malt is a tribute to the joy of spring and the celebration of life.

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Celtic Wheel of the Year Series #2. This limited release honors the ancient Celtic celebration of Lá le Bríde, also known as Imbolg, which marks the beginning of spring and the arrival of brighter, warmers days. Lá le Bríde Single Malt is a tribute to the joy of spring and the celebration of life.

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Dingle Bride Single Malt



Matured in Bourbon casks with a Rye cask finish, Lá le Bríde Single Malt expresses light, sweet aromas of honey, raspberries, biscuits, icing sugar, and butterscotch on the nose. On the palate, it is rich in spice, herbs, caramel, and ginger, all elevated nicely with a touch of mint, and brought to a close with a toffee and spiced fruit finish.

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Second of Nine releases in the series. About the Celtic Wheel of the Year: The cross-quarter points are the four festivals that are marked in between the solstices and the equinoxes. These fire festivals occur at the start of each season and are a time to celebrate each season. Samhain – winter, Bríde - spring, Bealtaine - summer, Lúnasa – autumn. The quarter points are located on the north, south, east, and west points of the wheel. The winter and summer solstice and the spring and autumn equinoxes. Solstice, also known as ‘solar’ days, are when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky and its lowest. Equinox, from the Latin aequus ‘equal’ and nox ‘night’ is when the sun crosses the celestial equator, and the days and nights are of equal length. Grianstad an Gheimhridh – winter solstice, Cónocht an Earraigh – spring equinox, Grianstad an tSamhraidh – summer solstice, Cónocht Fómhar – autumn equinox. The final release, Lá an Dreoilin – Wren’s day, while not part of the Celtic Wheel of the Year, is in recognition of the importance of the day in Dingle.